Infographics (my POV)

    Image Infographics are very common nowadays. Companies, schools, and other organizations are now using it to provide informations. It can be done by the use of the graphs, drawings, and other objects that will provide informations effectively.

     Infogarphics are very useful in any organizations to catch the attention of their target viewers or audience when they provide informations, because sometimes it is very boring when those establishments will use merely text informations or even if they will use objects or graphs but are done ineffectively. Informations can be delivered effectively, that is, if the graphs are use accordingly and that the viewer will be able to get the right message it actually intended. It is better to use simple infographics to make it more understandable and attractive than having so many objects because it might be confusing to the audience and possibly mislead the informatiopns.Graphic arts can surely and effectively get the viewers attention than words. It doesn’t mean that infographics are just objects. These are strategic and creative way of providing informations.

     Therefore, when a establishment wants to say something to the viewers or would want to give some trevias like the history of something, infographics is one of the tools which is very useful so that, the information will not be boring and at the same time, get the target audiences’ attention.Image

Online Marketing

In the business world, guesting the costumer needs and wants is clearly unnecessary. Specially when you create a product to compete with the other competitors. Being an entrepreneur, there are many ways on how to know or meet the needs of your target market. One of these is by probing.

We all know that every one of us have different tastes, perceptions, needs and wants. Probing is one way to reach the target markets and of getting their information through interview. This can be done via internet. Through this, the interview will be done faster or immediate than conducting it personally. Aside from that, it will also lessen the Management’s cost since  they don’t have to travel and travel just to reach the target market and conduct the interview. But of course, they must know first if who will be their target market  to be more faster.

After getting the informations needed, the management will now then create the product then try to meet the informations being gathered from the costumers. The 4P’s (product, price, place, promotion) is very important in this process to be able to compete with the competitors and get their attentions to inform them the existence of the product. As to promote the product, location is also very important. The product must be accessible to the target market because consumers will prefer to purchase a product that are accessible to them aside from the price, quality, and brand of the product. Management should be knowledgeable not just on products but also in the needs of every consumers and their wants because it will be useless if the management will promote or make a product that doesn’t meet the needs of the costumers.Image


Business Online

E –commerce And E – marketing


Consumers don’t want to waste their time, money, and effort for nothing. And this is one of the reasons why E –commerce and E –marketing exists. This two are sometimes use by the other interchangeably though both of them are engaged in business activities online. Now let’s talk about E –commerce and try to differentiate them.

E –commerce


In the business world, you must be flexible with the environment especially in the global market. According to the book of retailing, “consumers’ should be called as prosumers”. It is because consumers’ are very sensitive with their environment and of course, the product. They are aware in the evolution of the technology as well as the services being offered by the firm. They want to have what are the latest products or issues globally. That is why, being an entrepreneur, you must go with the flow.

E –commerce includes all types of electronic business transactions like buying and selling of the products without the use of paper. Through this, transactions can be made easier especially on the part of the consumers. Products are more specific in terms of its feature, advantage and benefits of various products that are segmented accordingly.  Moreover, costumers will also be informed on the manufacturer’s history or image for them to be also aware that the certain company is reliable.

E –marketing

Now let’s talk about e –marketing.

Since e –commerce are more on business transactions, e –marketing is also one of the activities engage in business but it is to enhance or influence the prospects to visit on a certain website and possibly purchase on the said products.

Example of e –marketing is creating an advertisement or promoting the product by hosting on the other site or being a server. It must be creative in many ways must create something that will stick in the consumers. It must also provide all the information needed by the customer as they inquire, unlike e –commerce that simply states the fab (feature, advantage, benefits) of the said product.

The main goal of e –commerce and e –marketing is simply to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers and builds a harmonious relationship with them. Through the use of internet, business transactions are made easier not just in our market but in global market. By just browsing and clicking on the net, you’ll receive what product you need and what product you want with the corresponding price.

Good Domain Name

Having a good domain name is as important as giving a name on your kids. Through their names,they can easily identify. The reason why you should have a good domain name is that it is for the viewers or researchers to easily remember your site whenever they need something that can also be found in it. As what our instructor said, “domain name can best describe to a blinking bulb that attracts everybody’s eyes“. And so with the domain name,it should have something that must stick in the mind of the readers. =)